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Please follow the instructions detailed below for your specific platform.

Micrsoft Windows

To start the Insight program, run the "insight.bat" script in the "bin" directory. This script requires that an environment variable called "INSIGHT_HOME" is set to the directory you have installed Insight into. Your JRE must also be in your %PATH% - this is set by default by the Sun JDK or JRE installers.

As an example (where x.y is the program's version number):

  1. Download and unzip the file into your "C:\" directory, this will create a directory called "C:\insight-x.y"

  2. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop, select "properties" from the pop-up menu, select the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Environment Variables" button. In the new window, click on the "New..." button. In the pop-up dialog window, enter:

    Variable Name: INSIGHT_HOME
    Variable Value: C:\insight-x.y

  3. Click on "OK" in the pop-up window, "OK" in the Environment Variables window, and "OK" in the System Properties window.

  4. Open a command shell, and run the following command:


    Alternatively you might like to set the above command as a shortcut.

Unix, Linux and similar systems

To start the Insight program, run the "insight" script in the "bin" directory. This script does not require any additional environment variables to be set, but your JRE must be in your $PATH.

As an example (where x.y is the program's version number):

  1. Download and extract the file into your "/usr/local" directory, this will create a directory called "/usr/local/insight-x.y":

    # gunzip -c insight-x.y.tar.gz | tar xvf -

  2. At the shell prompt, run the following command:

    # /usr/local/insight-x.y/bin/insight

Other Platforms

Currently only the above platforms are supported. However, extending Insight to work on additional platforms only involves writing suitable startup scripts and finding a suitable packaging format, since the program itself is entirely written in Java which is platform independant. If anyone would like to provide such details for their favourite platform, I will be happy to add support.


Chris Nappin (

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